STW excercise 1
Question 1
The form of my design, from a structural perspective, was influenced by aspects such as its fuction and efficientcy in terms of its function, low cost and to some degree aesthetics.
The sloped pergola structure assists a gradual sense of the space changing and becoming more enclosed. This transition space introduces the user to the entrance which leads imediatlt to the main space (6500 x 5000mm).
The sloping, elevated roof will allow natural light and ventilation (in accordance with the “low cost” specification)
Question 2
The gumpoles proved to be very effective in creating a skeletal structure in my design. Its ability to span over significant distances made it easy for me to create the spaces I needed for my design and its function.The marineply as I have also dicovered is exceptionally strong and made for a suitable floor and outside surface area for the skeletal structure
STW and CTD exercise 2
Q1) A meeting/conference room
Q2) the main idea behind my design was creating adequate space/spaces that would be introduced to the people using the building in terms of the spacial experience and emotion created by space and light.
Q3) Space, in any design should be dealt with delicately as this primary factor of design affects the buildings inhabitants both physically and emotionally, weather they posses architectural insight or not. One must try to imagine the special experience in this part of design and mould the space from this basis. In my design the structure uses a smaller transition space to introduce or prepare the user for the main/primary space.
Q4) Form and function seem to go hand in hand when we speak of design. A specified function requires a unique form that can fulfill the needs of the function. My design follows this idea; being a meeting area, a large volume of space was required so the primary area comprises of not just width and length but height as well. The extra height contributes to a relaxed mood and assists with the natural lighting. The function required a degree of privacy so again the form was affected and the structure was partially enclosed.
Q5) all designs should make the best use of their technology. My design is no exception. The allocated marine ply and gum poles proved to very good building materials as both. The gum poles were able to span useful distances making it excellent for both my floor joists and wall frame. The marine ply, also strong was used as floor boards and exterior wall covering.
Q6) illustrations of structural analysis, movement, form and space
STUDIO WORK excercise 3
My hub design can surely be described as a space defining system rather than a space enclosing system. Many aspects contribute to this design conclusion. Imediately you would notice the smaller pergola structure attached. This secondary space allows the the main area space inside and the outside space to "merge" and maintain a connection to the outside space. this creates the idea of spacial continuity which is an important part of a space defining system. The opennings used for both (doors and windows) are simply gaps, large ones, that do not consist of conventional frames or panels. These large gaps give the structure a spacially "loose" quality. So the primary structure itself plays the the roll of conventional finishes. Another aspect is that the compenents used are distinct in their differences, so technology is clearly visible. Also, the entire structure is elevated which assists an idea of it not being interfered with by gravity or of being suspendid.
hub plan
hub elevationSTUDIO WORK
excercise 4
progress sketches