Ok, not sure how this all works.
Never blogged before so bear with me :/...
....well thats me, on the photo. chose that one specifically because it kind of starts describing me already, im sooo laid back that at times it causes trouble lol.. can i say lol?? (lols to myself).. what else? i love the outdoors! i go crazy when it comes to outside spaces and manipulating them architecturally :). i can find it hard to be serious alot hehe guess i stiil have that little kid inside me. uhm.. i have two dogs, three cats,like 100 fish (not kidding) and a pidgeon that i raised from when he was tiny and now just wont seem to want to leave. i keep healthy to a certain degree, exercise as much as i can. and yeah just your average goofy kid trying to make his way though life.
so yeah, second year architectural student. love the sound of that especially since it took me two years to get here. but im here now and thats all that matters right? question now is what do i expect?
it started off great! awesome field trips to places i never new existed! was great fun (and some learning ofcorse). but first year followed a simillar pattern, beach day, walk about, colouring and before i new it i was up at 4am trying to have perfect line quallity! so im keeping my gaurd up!!
not much more that i can tell you for now. OOOH! almost forgot.. very close to getting a job! sooo excited,i should know for sure by monday so keep your fingers, toes and whatever else crossed for me please!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed - hope you get that job. Good start - keep on blogging!