Masibambane College
The spaces in this building are clearly separated and have a basic maner of organisation, pulblic spaces at the front and private spaces at the back.
Im not sure i agree with the play area on the inside of such a small and enclosed structure.
The stucture seems practical and simple to construct.
The result is a single structure, with clearly separated space that pleases function rather than form. matrials are that gum poles, corrugated sheeting and masonary.
Montic Factory creche
This structure attempts to provide as much spacial experince as possible, having hardly any solid walls and a beautiful floating roof.
This kind of design allows the building to feel much larger from the inside.
Light enters spaces easily in this design.
The play areas are almost removed from the building, with a simple frame and a suspended fabric roof.
Other materials are timber and timber sheeting and corrugatted sheeting.
Thembelihle creche
Another very simple design, this elongated structure is very efficient in its siplicity as the spaces are large and few so they work well together.
Because of its narrow form and north facing windows alot of light is allowed into the spaces.
An outside Verander creates an extra (covered) playing or relaxing area.
Relatively cheap to construct and low maitainance.
Main materials are timber beams for the frame and corrugated sheeting.
Emmanuel creche
Not as easy to construct as the other buildings due to its strange or unique design but definately not less interesting.
The design incorperates serve spaces that found the centre of the building so there is efficient circulation around them for the serve spaces.
This building really seems to focus on the inside spaces rather than those outside like the other buildings.
This can be observed by the enclosed spaces and standard openings.
Materials are timber and IBR sheeting.
Modimo O moholo
The design focuses on good circulation in immediatly we see that, because of the arrangement of the structures a courtyard is created and this outside space, assists in that design aspect.
An over-hang of the roofs projecting from the three inside faces forms a covered outside area.
This coutyard design draws focus to the main are which is the work shop in the centre.
Proposal for St. Micheals
The problem the students at St. Micheals is that there is insufficient space for the multigrade system that the school would like to put into place.
So we need find a way to either create more spaces in which a learning environment can thrive or try and manipulate the existing spaces and make multigrade learning possible for these students.
Seeing that we are provided with very little time and resources our ideas will have to practical and cost efficient.
Possible ways of manipulating the existing spaces would be to;
modify furniture to perhaps hold more or larger compartments so that they can be used as storage. Between the legs of a chair for example, is an excelent place to create a storage space,
or a drawing board that is able to rotate vertically on the wall to also serve as a large desk.
We could also look at working with the outside of the classroom to create new spaces such as a retractable or suspended roof. A simple covering done in this way could create a new learning space.